vendredi 31 octobre 2014

The Blue Funz - Songs For Ed Ricketts

Derrière le nom The Blue Funz se cache un collectif international de musiciens composé de membres de Man Meets Bear, Devon Folklore Tapes et The Winks qui se prépare a sortir son nouvel album le 14 novembre chez Wist Records. Songs For Ed Ricketts (du nom d'un biologiste marin américain) est un album de ce qui pourrait être qualifié de psyché-folk lo-fi : guitares acoustiques, expérimentations soniques, stylophones, field recording etc...
Un très bel album pour passer l'hiver qui devrait plaire aux amateurs de Circulatory System, Leafes et Phil Elverum, avec des passages particulièrement magiques, notamment  les titres "The Moons Of Mulagi" et "Shingle Bum".

Behind the name The Blue Funz is an international collective of musicians composed of members of Man Meets Bear, Devon Folklore Tapes and The Winks that is going to release its new album on november 14th on Wist Records. Songs For Ed Ricketts (the name of an american marine biologist) is an album that could be described as psychedelic lo-fi folk: acoustic guitars, sonic experimentations, stylophones, field recordings...
A beautiful album for the cold days coming that should please those who like Circulatory System, Leafes and Phil Elverum, with some particulary magic moments, especially "The Moons Of Mulagi" and "Shingle Bum".

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