mercredi 4 mars 2015

Broken Jokes - First & Second (Albums)

Installé depuis peu à Istanbul en Turquie, l'allemand Broken Jokes (moitié du duo Bisons) vient de sortir 2 albums : First et Second, un travail de musique contemplative dans le prolongement de sa passion pour la photographie notamment son travail sur les transports urbains, trains, couloirs de métro, foule affairée, passagers endormis, néons...
First est la partie post-rock, krautrock, on reconnait la touche guitaristique de Bisons, alors que Second tend plus vers la musique ambiant et le drone, l'ensemble forme une continuité assez cohérente et peut s'écouter comme un tout. On ferme les yeux, bon voyage.

Recently settled in Istanbul, Turkey, the german Broken Jokes (one half of Bisons) has just released 2 albums: First and Second, a contemplative musical work as an extension of his photographic passion notably his work on urban transports, trains, subway corridors, busy crowd, sleepy passengers, neons...
First is the post-rock, krautrock part where Bisons guitaristic touch is recognizable while Second tends more towards ambiant music and drone, the two albums forms a coherant continuity and can be considered as a whole. Time to close our eyes now, have a good trip.

Écouter et Acheter // Listen to and Buy First

Écouter et Acheter // Listen to and Buy Second

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