jeudi 5 novembre 2015

Rusted Sounds - A Game With Masks (Album)

Philip Soanes alias Rusted Sounds et aussi patron du petit label Resonating Wood Recordings basé à Cracovie, Pologne, vient de sortir A Game With Masks, un album de lo-fi folk enregistré chez lui.
Rusted Sounds a ramassé avec ses mains ces 12 chansons échues dans son jardin pour les protéger du froid. Entre Nick Drake et Lou Barlow, Philip Soanes tisse ses compositions introspectives et chaleureusement colorées.

Philip Soanes aka Rusted Sounds and also boss of Resonating Wood Recordings based in Krakow, Poland, has just released A Game With Masks, a lo-fi folk album recorded at his home.
Rusted Sounds gathered with his hands 12 fallen songs in his garden to protect them from the cold. Between Nick Drake and Lou Barlow, Philip Soanes weaves his introspective and warmly coloured compositions.

Écouter et Acheter // Listen to and Buy A Game With Masks

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