mercredi 25 septembre 2019

The Victor Pope Band - This Is Going To Hurt (Album)

Quel rapport entre Axl Rose et Mark Zuckerberg ? Pas de lien familial à priori, par contre si je vous ai déjà parlé de Paul Vickers, voici son frère Steven Vickers sous le nom Victor Pope. Paul est le frère de Steven et Steven le frère de Paul.
This Is Going To Hurt est-on averti. Les chansons qui composent cet album de The Victor Pope Band ne sont pas à prendre au premier degré mais comme l'agitateur qui remue votre café du matin, celui qui vous fait commencer la journée dans de bonnes conditions.
Provocatrices et drôles ces chansons entre anti-folk, punk et pop sont un régal, l'imitation d'Axl Rose au début d'About Facebook est bluffante mais moins chiante que l'original. Vous le voyez le rapport maintenant ? Beaucoup de hits dont Me and Donald Trump qui tient du génie.

What's the relation between Axl Rose and Mark Zuckerberg? No family link from a quick look, however if i have already told you about Paul Vickers, here's his brother Steven Vickers as Victor Pope. Paul is Steven's brother and Steven is Paul's brother.
This Is Going To Hurt we are warned. The songs that compose this album of The Victor Pope Band are not to take seriously but as the stirrer of your morning coffee, the one that puts you in good conditions to start the day.
Provocative and amusing these songs between anti-folk, punk and pop music are a delight, the imitation of Axl Rose on About Facebook intro is impressive but not boring as the original. You see the relation now? Lots of hits, like the fantastic Me and Donald Trump.

1 commentaire:

  1. Cheers guys! Big love from the Victor Pope gang. Great review, keep on writing and supporting the little guy!
