Le Tagada est une attraction qui consiste à faire tomber en musique ceux qui y montent sans protection ni sécurité, quitte à leur faire croire que le jeu est terminé quand l'opérateur est un plaisantin. A en croire Gioacchino Turù, un autre opérateur plaisantin, certains en sont mort.
Au moins C’è chi è morto sul Tagadà, sorti en 2006, ne casse pas d'os et fais passer un bon moment à la manière d'un Casiotone For The Joyfully Italian avec des chansons d'apparence pop un peu trompeuse, une substance acide enrobée de douceur aux accents occasionnels de hip-hop ou punk.
Titres favoris : Mutande et Vuoi Ballare?
The Tagada is an attraction consisting in making those who get in fall in music without security or protection, even if it means making believe that the game has ended when the operator is a joker. If we believe Gioacchino Turù, another joker operator, some died on it.
At least C’è chi è morto sul Tagadà released in 2006, does not break bones and is a pleasant moment in the way of a Casiotone For The Joyfully Italian with songs of misleading pop appearance, an acid substance sweetly coated and occasional hip-hop or punk accents.
Favourite tracks: Mutande and Vuoi Ballare?
Au moins C’è chi è morto sul Tagadà, sorti en 2006, ne casse pas d'os et fais passer un bon moment à la manière d'un Casiotone For The Joyfully Italian avec des chansons d'apparence pop un peu trompeuse, une substance acide enrobée de douceur aux accents occasionnels de hip-hop ou punk.
Titres favoris : Mutande et Vuoi Ballare?
The Tagada is an attraction consisting in making those who get in fall in music without security or protection, even if it means making believe that the game has ended when the operator is a joker. If we believe Gioacchino Turù, another joker operator, some died on it.
At least C’è chi è morto sul Tagadà released in 2006, does not break bones and is a pleasant moment in the way of a Casiotone For The Joyfully Italian with songs of misleading pop appearance, an acid substance sweetly coated and occasional hip-hop or punk accents.
Favourite tracks: Mutande and Vuoi Ballare?
Écouter et Acheter // Listen to and Buy C’è chi è morto sul Tagadà
Gioacchino Turù e Vanessa V. on facebook
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